Sunday, 5 December 2010

Wrap up warm kids, winter is here.

Well winter is truly here. It has been snowing nearly everyday for the past week here in blighty. It was nice for the first couple of days but after walking became treacherous I had to gracefully bow out of leaving the house other than for work and school. Plus i've been incredibly ill this week and haven't got nearly anything that needed to be done completely finished. least of all the revision that I am meant to have done for the exam I have at various intervals this week.

However, this has driven me completely insane at myself, trust me, i'm mentally hitting myself as we speak. Therefore, organisation is the name of the game. Not only do I have all of this to do but i'm determined to make this into a fully functioning blog instead of a sporadic rambling board and to do this i'm going to combine the two. 'How are you going to do this?!' I hear you shout. Well dear friends i'm going to post a 'To-do' list on this here blog and check it off as I go, in turn, giving a regular blog at the same time. Yay, simple.

Back to the reason I even started this, fashion. Topic: street style. Along with my new 'To-do list' strategy, i'm instigating "Street Chic Saturdays". This will consist of my attempts to accost people on a regular basis that, to me, look cool and in turn, I will show you on here (told you I was getting organised).

For today you are going to have to settle for some lust. Bag lust. Hair lust. Life lust; you get the picture.

Georgia May Jagger Pictures, Images and Photos AUDREY KITCHING Pictures, Images and Photos